Home Cooking Made Easy!

Plan your meals for the entire week in minutes.

IOS Coming soon

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How does it work?

How does it work?

Keep with your plan and use the variety of recipes that fit you the best. Taste the experience.

  • Use Recipes.

    Don't worry: forget about having stacks of books and piles of paper in the kitchen. We put the recipes 'on your table', you decide which one to cook.

  • Create Plans

    Plan menus for special events or regular meals. Take your device into the kitchen and cook your menu.

  • Plan meals and share.

    Organize your week by adding recipes to the schedule. We have the recipes, you decide how to manage them.

  • Make shopping list

    Add recipes, menus and other items to your shopping list. Automatically arrange your shopping list the way you shop in the store. Carry your shopping list with you and add to it in store.

  • Food Variety

    Never get bored about what to decide to eat. Each plan allows you to discover the simplicity of choices while keeping your plate balanced.

  • Save on your groceries

    Having homecooked meals have never been easier, save time a use it to share with your love ones.


Recipe 1
Contact us

Contact us

Mobile App

Mealh creates personalized meal plans based on your food preferences, budget, and schedule. Reach your diet and nutritional goals with our calorie calculator, weekly meal plans, grocery lists and more.


2055 Limestone Rd STE 200-C
Wilmington, Delaware
19808 United States



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